Thursday, November 13, 2008

6 Month, Already?

Well my little baby is already 6 months old. I can't believe it. Having children really makes me realize how fast life really is. She's just a little princess, so happy (most of the time) and her little smile is to die for. She's sitting up on her own now. I don't let her do it if I'm not right there because she still tips over a lot but she's doing it. Wow, these pictures of her sitting up makes me think she has a big head, lol. Her body just seems so much smaller then her head.

And yesterday she had a yummy cookie for her 6 month birthday. Excuse the red nose, she also has her first cold :(.

Now that she is 6 months old I am putting her in her NEW car seat!!! I am so tired of lugging around that baby carrier, my arm cannot take it anymore. Lets hope this car seat brings her lots of safe and happy travels!

And here is a video of her favorite thing to do!


SurferWife said...

She's gorgeous!! And she gets that jumpy moving, doesn't she?! She's going to be a little daredevil!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful and that car seat is gorgeous!

Tara said...

OMG...she loves that thing! I should have bought one for my boys...ugh! Dance away Lizzie :)