No more peanut butter in my house! We discovered today after going to the doctors that Jeremy is allergic to it. I've been saying it since he was probably 18 months old but never knew for sure. After a scare at school last week I decided to take him to the doctors and they confirmed that yes, he does have an allergy to it. One that he will probably never out-grow. Poor kid, growing up w/out peanut butter and jelly will probably be hard. Luckily he does not like peanut butter so we don't have to worry about eating it but it is hidden in lots of things so I worry. Also, his last scare he never even touched the stuff and had a reaction.
We go to an allergists soon where they will give us an epi-pen in case he somehow has another reaction to it.
I know nothing about food allergies so I'll be busy doing lots of research on it. This sucks!!!
UGH!! So sorry Brooke. Now you have to be a super peanut detector. Glad you found out though so little Jer is safe.
You'll learn. You're a brilliant Mom who would do nothing short of the BEST for her children. Just have your game on 24/7.
I am sorry that you are having to deal with this Brooke, it must be very scary for you!
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