Saturday, February 14, 2009


While I was out buying diapers at Walmart the other day the power went off in there. Thankfully their registers worked on generators so I was able to finish my shopping and then they were clearing the store because their security cameras were not working.

So I'm leaving and being a nice person let 2 cars pull out in front of me. As I was getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, BANG, a stupid cart hit my door. I filled out an accident report, but I doubt they will do anything about it. It's a small dent, but it's STILL a dent that wasn't there! I'll update you all and let you know what I hear from them. Here is a picture. It does not show up that well, but it's very noticeable!

Happy Valentine's Day!

From our family to yours! Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Great Game!

Wow, what a Superbowl Game! I am so excited that the Steelers brought a 6 pack home to us!!! And Jennifer Hudson, WOW....she is amazing! What a comeback. She brought tears to my eyes.

The kids really enjoyed all the cheering! And I swear, I love lil Jer just as much as Lizzie but he is camera shy. I cannot get a picture of him to save me. I have to pick my battles and this one is NOT worth it!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Here we go!

Here we go Steelers!!! Here's to Superbowl Win #6! I hope everyone has a fun time watching the game.

In other news, Lizzie has her second tooth and she is crawling. I haven't seen it with my own eyes because when I watch her she lays on her belly and cries waiting for me to pick her up. BUT when my back is turned she somehow manages to get across the room to me. So sweet! I'm sure by next week I'll be chasing her around pulling my hair out!