Thursday, April 2, 2009

My threats are starting to backfire!!!

Here is a funny video clip of Jeremy telling me how I need to put his tool bench in the yard sale. When he is abusing his toys (jumping on them, throwing them or coming close to breaking them) I always tell him that I am going to sell them in the Yard Sale. Well since he has managed to put a crack in his tool bench, it is now OK by Jeremy to put it in the yard sale. It's hard not to laugh when he does things like this.

Can someone leave me a comment and let me know if the video works? Thanks!


Tara said...

I'm telling you for the LAST TIME, put it in the yard sale!!
I love it!! Little Jer has the sweetest voice!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol, I love the 'I'm telling you for the last time' line - he is super cute!

Mia said...

omg. he is going to grow to be a producer... or a dictator.