Monday, January 5, 2009

No more excuses!

So today is the day I start my diet. Isn't if funny that the word DIE is in Diet. I feel like I could die already, EWWW!!!

I am almost 8 months postpartum and still have about 15lbs to lose. It's not the weight that's bothering me, it's the fact that my stomach still looks 3-4 months pregnant. I hope that I can make some better choices on what I eat and drink and exercise some more so that I can shed this weight off before August! I can't have my sisters looking better then me forever, lol.

Now if the weather would warm up so I can get outside and walk or ride bikes with the kids things would be much easier. Right now I'm making due with exercising indoors.

Oh, and I've only had 2 cups of coffee today compared to my 4 or 5 I usually have.

Wish me luck!


Sonya said...

Good luck Brooke! I'll be right there with ya!

Colleen said...

Go Bro-oke, go Bro-oke!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I am sure you will stick to it much better than me :)

Tara said...

I'll support you 110%! All the way!