So for months I've been hearing a lot of crap about why I haven't taken Jeremy and Lizzie for their pictures together. I've also been giving myself guilt about it. But after today, I know why I stalled for so long. It is NOT east to get 2 children to look at the camera amd smile at the same time.
Here is a prime example!

Or Lizzie decides to try to get out of the stool shes in:

And time to give each other kisses:

This is the best photo out of all 20, lol.

So with that, I don't think we'll be seeing my children on the cover of Vogue anytime soon.
They are still great pictures! Love the kissy ones :)
Sorry it was a difficult experience, but looks worth it.
Jer is SO handsome in his little jacket and Lizzie's dress is ADORABLE!
they are ADORABLE brooke!
kids are such stinkers, aren't they?? i adore the outfits you chose!!
What lovely photos, I just LOVE Lizzie's dress, it's beautiful :)
Baby Vogue... here she comes!! (with or without earrings.)
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