On Sunday he was playing up a storm, he had a great day! We went to be at about 10:30. At 4:00 am he woke up throwing up. I took him to the bathroom and he had diarrhea pretty bad. I just thought maybe it was a bug. He went back to sleep and didn't wake up until almost 9. Then it was non stop, throwing up and diarrhea. He also said the air in his ears would not go away. I called the doctor, they said to bring him at 2:15. By the time we got there he was lethargic, his lips were the same color of his pale skin. It was scary! The doctor said she was going to admit him. I cried like a baby.
He ended up having Rotavirus. Scary stuff! He lay still and very sick all Monday and all day Tuesday. Wednesday he started sitting up and talking again but still would not eat and still had diarrhea pretty bad. By Thursday he was acting ok but would not eat. I asked them to bring him some mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets up and he ate 3 nuggets and 1/2 of a serving of mashed potatoes w/out throwing up or having diarrhea. They decided to let him come home! Monday we'll go back to the doctor for a follow up.
He's doing great, he ate a little when we got home and is so happy to be back to his sister and toys.

Aw he looks SO little in that hospital bed! I'm so glad he's home and on the mend!
Bless him, I am so glad that you are both back at home now in your own beds (((hugs)))
Poor little man! I'm glad he's feeling better! And I have the exact same hospital gown in the same size from when J was in the hospital!!
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